Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why have one holiday when you can have three!

The new week is here and its time to start my second week as a teacher yay! I really think I have gotten into the swing of things, I can quiet a classroom with a single glance, mind you I have to be screaming at the top of my lungs but progress is progress. But before I get into my lovely monday, let me explain a lovely Korean holiday or really three holidays known as Valentine's Day, White Day and Black Day.
Now we all know what Valentine's day is but in Korea they have effectively changed the rules a little bit. Valentine's day is a man's holiday, in the sense that only men recieve gifts and attention on this day. Now White day is one month later in March is White day, the day that all the women get their special attention and gifts. Now one month later than that is when things in Korea get really interesting on Black day. Now Black day is a day for single people, the day consists of everyone who recieved no gifts on either Valentine's day or White day going out en masse and eating Chinese black noodle. This is a matter of solidarity between all these supposedly sad people who have "nothing" in their lives. My friend likes to believe that they go out and eat to celebrate not making a mistake of marrying the wrong person, but either way Black day is a bunch of lonely people going out together to get drunk and eat noodles, or the worlds largest speed dating night.

That's all for now, because I am what is becoming a trend running a bit late to work. See ya past dwellers.

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