Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chanan Miguksaramieyo and bad ideas in the cold

So it's Tuesday so you know what that means Hangul classes! (Hangul means Korean) And it is super exciting, I have completed my alphabet training and now I can read in Korean even if I don't know what any words mean, but it is a step in the right direction. Today I learned how to introduce myself as well as tell people I am an American or (miguk saram). All and all it is a lot of fun and hopefully come a year from now I can order my favorite Korean dish (beebimbap) in Korean. But barring that tell my cab driver how to get me home.
So there are some issues that I forgot to tell people about but I think I can cover tonight before I head to bed. First and foremost, the Chinese Yellow dust, a really big snore, all it really is is really bad pollution and extra sneeze attacks yawn. My local Korean family, they are a lot of fun if they do push a strong missionary convert vibe, but hey they made me porridge (like a bear!) and strawberries. Also I managed to attend a kindergarten birthday party, it was part of my teaching, but I will be posting pictures (I know I always say that) soon. Whats great about the party is that it is a big fun day where we run around and play in a ball pit no less. Best thing about the party is they dress up the birthday kids in prince and princess outfits and then take pictures. So I met some cool people this weekend and one of them asks me if I wanted their phone number my response...I don't really like to talk to people on the phone. So as always I'm an idiot.

And that's a full lid.
Will out


  1. yeah that is stupid. but i guess so is asking out a southern girl without first checking for ring identification...

  2. Do you think you'll see these "cool people" again? If so, then more opportunities exist to get her (I'm assuming) number! What do you drink there? Soju or maekju?
