Friday, March 6, 2009

Uh what have I gotten myself thats what!

So today was my first day of work, more like externing because all I did all day was shadow other teachers during their classes. It was a lot of fun and the kids are really cute. With the younger kids it is not so much teaching english as it is training a dog. Sit. Stay. Quiet. But the older kids have a better grasp of the language. One thing I am noticing rapidly about this is that my fellow teachers enjoy to yell, and the kids like yelling back. I hope that I can keep my bunches quiet. I really was lost today and my co-workers were great, not so much the Korean teachers but I suppose that will come with time. Had another moment were I was completely confused that english isnt the main moment at lunch, the whole menu was in Korean (imagine that), but hey I got my fill for 3000 won or 2 bucks. The afternoon was filled with more classes and I apparently am a mini celebrity at school now, probably because I am new. I will say this though during my shadow session I was asked to enter a class that I will be teaching at the students request. It appears that Korean school girls are exactly like their american counter-parts and I am now the object of 8 school girl crushes, at least that is what I assumed the fit of giggles, and secret stares were the entire time I was in the class room. Oh well I suppose I will get used to this attention at some point, but hey I have only been here a day I should let a little more time pass by. Ok I am going to head out tonight because I feel like teaching kindergarten is deserving of a well placed drink.

p.s. The way these kids make me and my fellows feel makes me wonder if I as a kindergartner drove the teacher to drink. Nah couldn't be with an angel like me ;)

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