Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Musings and forgotten thoughts...

So since I was exhausted when I last posted I forgot to mention a few interesting things. First off I met Jason Bateman! Well by met I mean I creepily stared at and attempted to surreptitiously take his picture using my phone. I failed. He totally noticed. But it is ok because there is a slim possibility that it was not Jason Bateman, he had a beard and was speaking in spanish, and was playing imaginary golf one handed by himself. But I am 99% certain it was him! I will post the picture as soon as I figure out how.

(which may be never)

Also in my travels I have found out that being a member of Red Sox nation has its drawbacks. Mr. Evil (from Evil airlines) was giving me a hard time because I was wearing Sox garb. The thing is he isn't a Yankees fan or even a hometown Chicago fan but a Phillies fan. When I told him he was supposed to hate the Mets he mumbled something about Boston always beating Philly in interleague play. Well I guess you can take the fan out of philly...Ok I am off to the airport to complete my dream of sleeping and living in a cramped closet-like experience with delicious and succulent puppy for every meal.

See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Oh you bastard - you better not eat puppy before I get there! As you can see by the timestamp of this comment, (1) I am reading your posts in reverse order and (2) I am in my apartment on a Friday night instead of going to the reef with you.
