Thursday, July 23, 2009

Solar Events

So this past Wednesday I was lucky enough to witness a solar eclipse, while it wasn't total more about 70% of the sun was covered and it looked pretty sweet. One of the best things about the eclipse was the fact that I was completely unaware of its occurrence until I was told by a friend from back home. Upon being told I attempted to gain access to the roof of our office to have a better view of the event. So I asked my boss if she knew how to get to the roof (so far of my past 3 jobs I have been to the roof of 2 of them) and she rightly asked me why I would want to get there. When I explained, incorrectly, about the frequency of solar eclipses and how it was a rather spectacular sight I was granted permission to get to the roof. Only thing was that I had to bring all of the students with me, no big deal just 40 kids on the roof of a building looking at the sun which is very dangerous, should be a walk in the park. Somehow no kid managed to jump off the building and I have kept my job, so I was excited. I was asked to give an explanation of what a solar eclipse was to the students, because I was the Science teacher,(funny because I thought Landon was...), but I rattled off something that sounded semi-coherent, and no one asked me any questions. All in all it was a pretty sweet event. And also the sun looks pretty sweet.

So this is what the event looked like, pretty mind-blowing.

That shadow would be the eclipse.

A shot from the International Space station

Well that's all for now pasties.

Will "from where the Sun disappears" out

1 comment:

  1. 1. That solar eclipse was awesome 2. Harry Potter is the shit 3. you have to tell me who your new love interest is.

    That is all:

