Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where has my time gone?

So I am here after another exhausting day trying to figure out just where in the world all my time went. What between TKD and school and trying to blog I have somehow ran out of any opportunities for myself to think or do really anything. So with that in mind I figure I should try and convey the tremendously amazing fanfuckingtastic trip that was my week in Japan. I should do that but first I must convey my increasing frustration with some of my students. I am not certain if it is just that since they have been away from school for a little bit and they have forgotten proper etiquette or what but I have not seen rudeness like this in a long long time. Whether it is from the kid walking away while I am talking to them or yelling at me when I ask them to put away there phone explaining that it isn't there phone. I'm fed the hell up with this class and I want to kick them out of class but I've been told that I can't so since I couldn't throw them out of class I just left it on my own. Now I am uncertain as to the whether it is truly professional to leave a class of 13 year olds but I could not take it any more. Now I understand there is a difficulty in growing up in Korea and a lot of pressures put on these kids to succeed but it pains me that I care more about their education than they do. It might be better if they realized their complete irresponsible behavior and it was deliberate but I have this nagging feeling that it is just a natural reaction and they are slightly confused as to my frustration. Unfortunately I don't want to admit defeat and drop the kids but it might be the wiser decision. Well enough thoughts onto something else.

Will "Eff this" Dunkel out

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