So I spent this past weekend cataloging my trip to Japan and hanging with the new teachers that have arrived. I was really excited that I got to spend the weekend in Daejeon (funny how you can miss a place). I ended up watching movies all weekend and saw a few gems. I really enjoyed Reality Bites and kinda wish I was Ethan Hawke, and besides its nice to have a time when Winona Ryder wasn't crazy. I probably liked it a bit too much but that's okay. I also managed to see the Untouchables, and discovered I enjoy crime dramas. Well at least from the side of the good guys, and finally I watched this delightfully campy movie called the Warriors. This video should illustrate it's awesomeness.
Until later pasties
Ben and Elana's Wedding
10 years ago
WILL CALL ME SOME TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!