Hey there so I have been lacking in the posts department of this blog, and it is not entirely because of a hectic schedule. Really it is a cross between exhaustion from dealing with little tykes all day and not wanting to stay in and type on my computer. Well I am going to be more vigilante about my postings from this day forward. Well not tonight, I feel a cold coming on and want to rest up, but from this week on I will redouble my efforts. Anyways I feel lightheaded so I am going to bed, I need to stop waking up at dawn to watch playoff hockey, but I digress, easier to stop the sun from coming up, (not really). Well I leave you with these lovely photos of me on top of Mt. Wolchusan I wish I could caption them, but I haven't figured out blogger completely yet.
I think that the Captain might have had a wee bit too much Soju,otherwise he might have noticed the ISLAND!
Warning! If you read nothing else check out this notice board. (how is babby formed?)
Ah lovely Wolchusan National Park, a superb choice for an Easter Sunday.
This image brought to you by a nice Korean couple eager to help a Waeguk. This suspension bridge spanned a 140 meter ravine to a waterfall, but not really inconspicuous, oh well at least it held.
Until next time kiddos.
Failboat is fail.