Wednesday, May 20, 2009

At long last!

It is really interesting that so much of the music that I love has been influenced by the British. I suppose I can finally forgive them for torching Washington in 1812. Sigh, that was a fun grudge while it lasted. Anyways, I have been largely derelict from my responsibilities of writing and blogging, I imagine I will be able to wrangle out a few posts sooner or later, I just always feel tired. I expect that working with kids for 10 hours a day is the reason. It has been an up and down month here in the future, and I have been reluctant to relive all of the crap that I through even thought I understand that this is an electronic tome that will ultimately exclude me from getting that job as US Senator, or President, but I suppose I will shelve those lofty dreams for now and instead make some lemonade.

I am excited and rather nervous I have begun to take single private lessons in learning Korean but I do not know if it will work and I might sign up for a real comprehensive class Ala college style. Also I am trying out some Tae Kwan Do this week which will probably end with me tearing my MCL. I hope not, I like walking. I just finished a prank on one of my students with another one of them. I wonder if that is ethical? I need a haircut and am slightly freaked out that I might end up with hair like this. I still need to upload pictures of my wee ones, really of all of my kids so you can see how cute and horrible they can be. I also need to put up all my Seoul shots and retell the adventure, I will leave a video that should be enticing enough to hold you over, I hope at least. Before I get to that video though I have been thinking about what my job entails and how it is really a unique situation. I teach about 70 kids through various classes which isn't too drastic as I am sure there are many that teach such a high volume of kids, but I was thinking about the age groups that I teach. I teach everything from 3-4 year old to 13 year olds, which as I am sure you are aware is a large range of kids. The number of personality traits that you have to deal with is quite staggering to me, as well as the completely varied teaching skills that are required for each age group. Couple this fact with the knowledge that I have high expectations with very little training and next to no authority and I find myself constantly up against the ropes. Really I am armed only with my wits, dexterity (because these kids are quick to run), youth. I understand fully that this is not a job for really anyone that is older than 30, for many reasons but realistically the physical requirements and mental fortitude to be living in chaos 24/7 make it impossible for a settled individual. I am probably way off base with my comments and really someone with as little experience as I have should offer more restraint in appraisals but its a quickfire world of instant analysis and that's my thought for the moment.

I have a problem, and I think you all have noticed by now, I ramble. I am rarely coherent and lack any sense of style, which is problematic as I attempt to pen a novel, but at least I have a half-assed effort. Anyways, if anyone can think of jobs like mine I would be all ears, but I will leave you with a video that will not fail to make you wonder just what has Will gotten himself into. Now without further ado here is Seoul being nuked, (a thrilling exhibit in the War Museum of Seoul)

Will out

p.s. I've been listening to a lot of dj danger mouse which I recommend to any that likes mixed up musics,

p.p.s. They took Jasper away from me! I suppose some birds have feathers that are to colorful to cage...sigh

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