Friday, September 4, 2009

Brain failure...

Too much to say no energy to do it. I have to finish what has become an epic post on my trip to Japan, at least before I return in a month. I would be a lot closer but stupid Blogger deleted a post that I spent 2 hours working on so I have been boycotting it since then. Also this has been the longest week in Korea yet for a multitude of reasons. Let me just give quick recaps and then go more in depth tomorrow when I have slept.

1st. This was the last week for several of my co-workers and friends and I have now found myself in a position that instead of the rookie I am the sage veteran. How the hell did that happen? I wish those that have left the best of luck in the world and I am sure there will be times that I miss their carefree attitudes but for now bon voyage and enjoy the next chapter in your lives friends.

So since this was a transitional week at school it only makes sense that it would coincide with evaluations which are the most depressing, time-consuming, and crappy part of my job. Normally it takes me forever and a day to write out these evaluations and as of this posting it has taken forever and 3 days! Maybe I should lift my embargo of doing work at home, but I really think that 10-12 hour days 5 days a week is enough without bringing my work home. Naturally since evaluations are due and I am trying to help the newbies one of the teachers is out for the week with H1n1 or for those not doctors swine flu. Let me clarify this, she did not and does not have swine flu but one of the kids that she teaches tested positive for it so it was a precautionary move. This meant that everyone had extra classes! Joy! Essentially it meant that anytime that I had for figuring out what was going on during the week was shot to hell and I was running to catch up. At least this miserable week is over (even though it felt like a month) and I will be going on vacation soon. Which leads to my next problem...

I have been informed by my company that due to the global pandemic of H1N1 that should I leave the confines of Korea I will most likely be quarantined for 7 days during which I am not allowed to work. This really blows because I am going to Japan with Johanna and Keith (her husband) at the end of the month. Now the worst part about this is that I don't have to miss any work it is completely up to the school whether or not I do and I will be in many a long and drawn out conversation with my superiors explaining to them that I can and should work provided that I am healthy. The reason that I am so upset about this is that Japan has very similar statistics with the illness as Korea but since I am leaving the safety of the peninsula I essentially screwed. Well perhaps I can defeat them with logic and reason, but as Landon and I have noted on many occasions that logic is not par for the Korean course. In fact one is better off throwing it out the window and trying something ludicrous. Good thing I dropped that logic class in college or I'd be really screwed. Ok pasties I'm tired and I have an ever busy week ahead of me (seems to be the story of my life) so I am going to bed.

Until later
Will "brain dead" out

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