Greetings Past dwellers! Hope all is going well. Just dropping into discuss some of the more interesting events that happened in the past weeks. First and foremost was
Pepero day!
Pepero day is a largely shameless marketing ploy by the
Pepero cookie company. They make these oddly delicious cookies (Korean
Pocky) that look like the number 1. If you put enough of them in a row it looks like 11/11, so thus Veterans day is a day to celebrate cookies in Korea. All in all it was a great day with my little children giving my candy at various points of the day. My favorite though was when my
Taekwan doe
nim, handed a box of them to me while bowing and saying "I love you." Truly a fantastic place, this Korea.
In other news, I have begun the arduous process of planning what to do in the future now that I only have 4 months left. I want to stay in Korea but I am having difficulty in figuring out exactly what I want. I mean I love
Daejeon, but I want to learn Korean and I have little drive to do so in this city. Also, I want to find a job that allows me to teach Kindergarten children because I really love my time with the little ones, they just have such robust personalities. All in all I have too much to decide and it is leaving me with a feeling of being overwhelmed by choices. I need to just look at them and decide one at a time and then go from there. Until then I will fret about all the uncertainty that is my life. I would bemoan this fact but it is the nature of life, plus choice is a good thing perhaps the best of things.
Until later pasties
Will "He freak out? Nah, probably not"
Dunkel out